Service Learning
Service learning is a high-impact practice that connects meaningful community service with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility.
Why participate in service learning projects?
- Service learning provides hands-on learning in real-world settings and opportunities to enhance the community through service.
- Many students end up learning more about future professions, getting internships and jobs as a result of service learning.
- Most importantly, students gain real-life experience and are fulfilled in knowing they are making a difference in their communities.
Service Learning opportunities on campus:
Individual in-class service learning:Students commit to serving a certain number of hours for a community organization or community project.
- Whole-class service learning: The entire class undertakes a community project.
- Honors service learning: Students earn honors credits by committing to an individual or group community project.
Service learning project requirements:
- Determine a project that connects service to course outcomes.
- Complete service learning project/hours.
- Submit documentation of completion.
- Reflect and present on the experience.